Joomla Tips
Written by: J. Zatkulak
SEO duplicate meta title fix
When checking your Joomla site for duplicate meta titles and meta descriptions, you may find that you see an error with duplicate meta tags on / [homepage] and index.php. There is a pretty simple fix for this by adding a few lines of code to your .htaccess file. Read More to learn how
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Written by: J. Zatkulak
Mobilize Your Joomla Website Through Smart Phones
Websites that do not load correctly on regular desktops can be annoying. Websites that do not load properly on a smart phone are just a nightmare and hard to remedy. If a mobile customer cannot reach the website that is in mind, then there goes a visitor and potential customer.
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Written by: J. Zatkulak

Enabling Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URLs has been known to cause problems if your server is not configured properly to support the re-writing of URLs. There are so many different types of server technologies and operating systems, so it is impossible to provide a list of all of the solutions to every problem with SEF URLs, but here are some of the common solutions we have found.

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